learnDUIT is a workplace financial education programme to help companies educate their employees with financial knowledge.

Research shows that financial challenges cause employess the most stress in their life.*

An employer with 100 full time employees could be wasting as much as


annually due to employee financial stress.*


of the surveyed employees claimed that they are unable to focus on work due to financial problems.*

Financially stressed employees spend an average of 


hours a month of work time trying to solve  their financial problems.* 

My Chart.js Chart


Lower employee financial stress

Improve employees’ focus on achieving corporate goals and business productivity

Improve loyalty and reduce turnover rate

Improve employees’ abilities to manage finances

Enhance employees’ understanding and satisfaction with current employee benefits

Improve engagement between employers and employees


of employees felt more positive about their employer when they received financial education.*


of employees from the age of 16 to 24 say financial education made them more loyal to their employers. *


of employees would be more proactive with their money if they had access to workplace financial education.*

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